The meeting of the National Association of Plastic Industries and the Ministry of Industry

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The meeting of the National Association of Plastic Industries and the Ministry of Industry regarding the current issues of the plastic industry
According to the public relations report of the National Association of Plastic and Polymer Industries of Iran (INPIA), in the brainstorming meeting of the Office of Chemical and Cellulose Industries of the Ministry of Industry, there was a discussion and exchange with some members of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Plastic and Polymer Industries of Iran, regarding the modernization of the plastic and polymer industries of Iran. It was an opinion.

In addition to the above issue, other issues were discussed, so that the discussion on these issues will continue in the future meetings.

According to this report, the research issues needed by the plastic and polymer industry were among those proposed in the Mezbo meeting, which was decided to announce the list of research needs by the National Association to the Office of Chemical and Cellulose Industries.

Source: National Association of Plastic Industries of Iran